From Estonia to France
Du Bastion à Descartes
Writing like during WW2
Lucie Aubrac set as our example
18th June 1940
Another day in this war and things seem better! We heard the call of General Charles de Gaulle for the resistance, earlier today. This is a time where only hope and determination will keep us alive.
Being a 14 year old right now is not easy: we live with fear, the feeling of injustice and we have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow.
Lucie Aubrac is such an amazing person: she helped create the French resistance and is the co-president of the resistant network "Liberation Sud". How i wish to be like her! She fights for a democracy because she grew up between two wars...so she knows what it feels like and that’s why she has the idea that there shouldn't be any more wars, she's against the idea of racism and Pétain. We all are!
I look up to her and her husband Raymond, they both live a double life: teacher and engineer by day and resistance fighters by night, knowing that if they get caught they would have to face the consequences ---> death!
In the French resistance network they inform people by radio, secret press, publish propaganda, provide fake papers, social services, secret army and help allies escape arrest. Despite my age I do try and help: we are all in this together!
I believe that one day Jean Moulin will arrive in London and gather all the resistants: he will create something...something so great that in the end they will know that their work was worth it and we will win this war! We all need to all stay positive and keep working. For now it's us against the others in these hard times!
I am old forteen years old and I want to help a resistance network.
Petain calls for the end of fighting to Germany by signing an armistice but De Gaule, using BBC radio, asks all French to resist.
De Gaulle wants to make an alliance between the colonies, England and the United States.
I already wanted to resist because I hate war and I do not like people being persecuted.
In August 1940, Lucie Aubrac made free her husband, Raymond, because the Germans had captured him.
I am sad because we do not have the right to think what we want.
I would like much freedom, and eat corectly because we have only the right to a little quantity of food, there was too much military hostile.
As a result of this, they help the most important resistance in the southern zone.
She then goes to London, because it was the center of organization of the resistance.
Since june 6, 1944 the allies free french people.
In many years we will eventually be allowed to live corectly...